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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

3-Attention Teachers!!! : 101 Qualities Worth Acquiring!!!

The teaching- learning process has the potential to serve as a powerful instrument of social, economic and cultural transformation of society. But…  both ‘teaching’ and ‘learning’  are complex processes. However teacher training institutions are  tirelessly engaged in  pruning effective teachers for tomorrow. How should the new teacher be? What qualities should the teacher of  tomorrow possess?

The author  based on his decade old  experience as a teacher educator , attempts to list down for would-be teachers, 101 Qualities worth acquiring !!!

  1. Ability to assign appropriate tasks for the really bright learners
  2. Ability to chalk out plans for underachievers
  3. Ability to evoke  attention  while teaching
  4. Ability to motivate learners
  5. Ability to organize classrooms that nourish and reflect the teaching programme
  6. Ability to  assign  purposeful individual  learning activities
  7. Ability to organize teaching and learning  space
  8. Ability to set  relevant  and challenging teaching and learning objectives
  9. Ability to use ICT effectively for teaching
  10. Ability to design coherent instruction
  11. Ability to establish a culture for learning
  12. Ability to give constructive feed back to learners
  13. Ability to  make learning meaningful
  14. Ability to  properly monitor  learning
  15. Ability to plan opportunities  to learn in out of institution contexts
  16. Adaptable
  17. Adept at classroom management during group work
  18. Adept at devising appropriate teaching strategies
  19. Adept at handling mixed-ability classes
  20. Adept at improvising  cost effective aids  for teaching
  21. Adept at managing lesson procedures
  22. Adept at relating to others
  23. Adept at speaking at public functions
  24. Adept at time management
  25. Adept at  providing suitable anecdotes
  26. Adept at giving due praise for learner achievement
  27. Approachable for discussing personal and learning difficulties
  28. Awareness of ones own short comings and striving  to overcome it
  29. Clear framework for classroom discipline
  30. Connoisseur  at clarifying values
  31. Consideration for the learners’ ethnic background.
  32. Consideration for the learners’ linguistic background
  33. Concern for disadvantaged learners
  34. Consideration for  the  learner’s development
  35. Creative
  36. Culture specialist
  37. Deep consciousness of the sanctity  of the image of  the teaching profession
  38. Demonstrating  values worth emulating
  39. Dependable
  40. Developer of learning materials
  41. Drive for  self-evaluation
  42. Effective writing skills
  43. Efficient organizer of seminars and conferences
  44. Expert at providing a range of strategies to promote good behaviour
  45. Expert evaluator
  46. Familiar with group dynamics
  47. Familiar with learning styles
  48. Felicitator of learning
  49. Flexible
  50. Friend and philosopher  for learners
  51. Good Communication skills 
  52. Good researcher
  53. Has  good hobbies
  54. High expectations for learner behaviour
  55. Histrionic skills
  56. Humanist
  57. Human relations expert
  58. Impartial to learners
  59. Information seeking initiative
  60. Informed  art critic
  61. Knowledgeable
  62. Leadership skills
  63. Life Skills expert
  64. Mastery of basic teaching skills
  65. Mission driven and passionate about ones calling as a teacher
  66. Mobile Human Resource development agent
  67. Not  feeling let down by  frustrating  factors in the society
  68. Perpetually identifying and preparing  appropriate teaching resources
  69. Perseverance to simplify complex learning tasks
  70. Performance booster
  71. Practical
  72. Providing appropriate counselling  for learners in need.
  73. Recognizing and responding effectively to equal opportunities issues as they arise
  74. Regard for honesty and integrity
  75. Respects  learner’s social background.
  76. Respects learner’s cultural background
  77. Responsive to learners  and colleagues
  78. Responsive to the changing needs of ones profession
  79. Skilled at  analytical and conceptual thinking
  80. Skilled at drawing smiles through  refined jokes
  81. Skilled at fine tuning the learners’ affective domain
  82. Skilled at interviewing
  83. Skilled at tutoring
  84. Skilled Curriculum evaluator
  85. Sociable
  86. Striving for  professional development 
  87. Striving to make learning an interesting experience
  88. Supplier of useful and essential learning materials to  needy learners
  89. Treating  learners with due respect for their disabilities if any
  90. Trustworthy
  91. Unaffected by learners’ religious background
  92. Undying source of inspiration for learners
  93. Urge to attend conferences  and seminars to  draw novel ideas and views
  94. Very high Emotional Quotient
  95. Willing to contribute to corporate life of ones institution
  96. Willing to shoulder responsibilities of  ones institution
  97. Willing to support those who are in need of  help in learning
  98. Willing to take concrete steps  for the elimination of social evils
  99.  Willing to work collaboratively with specialist teachers
100.Willing  to share and receive expertise of  other colleagues
101.Willingness to keep in touch with former students

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